Race Timing Solution Overview
The solution has mobile app, which is the most accurate, cheap and easy to set up for race organizers, including amateur organizers.
The solution is integrated with event registration platforms like town script…etc. It has extended API capabilities to interface registration system. It is flexible to integrate with any registration platforms. The solution needs info like key identification number and race category which ever to identify the specific participant.
The solution infrastructure is easy to set up and for chip timing RFID system is required
Manual entry of the bib number or chip timing is required. The solution suite has QR code printer which prints registration number and make it inside the chip.
QR Code will be embedded in the CHIPS and perform QR code-based interaction is possible.
ie: https://cloud.runonrufus.com/share/hero-trail-ii
Race Timing Solution (RTS) - Key Features
Race Timing Solution (RTS)
Fall in Love with our Features
Professionalise your events with the most economical UHF timing system on the market.
Specifically designed for the needs of small, medium or large events.

Race Timing Solution (RTS) - Key Components

Live Results & App
Live results and race rankings.
Customisable app for the timer
LED Screens
Display times & participant's name as soon as they cross the finish line. Also, able to show video, animations and more...
Timing Systems
Macsha the most powerful system.
One4all & the RFID Gun for checkpoints and smaller races.
We offer the best price in registrations
-1.5% for Macsha Timers
-3.5% for other Timers
Timing Software
Rufus, a great tool to manage your event, get results and connect live to a TV, LED Screen or push results online.
To be able to time any type of sport, we have develop chip supports that adapt perfectly each sport
Innovative Running Race Timing System (IRRTS) - Key Components
It is completely redesigned the one4all from within. The new operating system based on Linux and its new CPU powered by Raspberry Pi has allowed to introduce a lot of new features to the protocol.
Integrated battery that gives you up to 12 hours of energy
Integrated bluetooth and wifi
Time transmission in real time through RUFUS
Integrated horn and light
Live remote support
Ethernet connection
Control it using your computer, mobile phone or tablet
In addition to the features of the One4All 5, the pro also has:
Integrated touch screen
Compatible with accessories: camera and laser barrier
HDMI and AUX output

The power, versatility and simplicity of the new One4All 5 make it the fastest, most powerful and most fexible timing system in the world.

Innovative Running Race Timing System (IRRTS) - UHF Technology
The UHF Technology of the One4All 5.0 system offers the possibility to time almost any type of sporting event.
Allows timing for almost any type of sporting event.
Minimum initial investment.
Handles high densities of corridors and high flow rates.
Antennas specially designed for RFID applied to sports.
The chips are easy to use.
It is not necessary to have a fixed stock of chips.
Minimal manipulation of the chips before the event.
There is no chip retrieval after the event.

Biking Trails
Inline Skate
Running Race Timing System - Global Presence and Demand

Year after year we surpass our numbers and keep moving forward.
These are some statistics that show why we are leaders in the region.

Strategically located in Barcelona, with branch offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, England, France and India.
What differentiates us is the constant innovation and quality of people that are part of Marcsha, quality that is translated later into our products, our customer service and our technical support.
Race Timing Solution (RTS) - Capabilities

How do I time a running race?
What equipment should I use to get perfect readings?
What is the process?
Is this a good opportunity to use the kiosk?
What do I need?
What are the most common problems I can face? How can I solve them?
These are just some of the questions any Timer has when they first enter the thrilling world of timing.
Organizing and timing sports events requires a lot of responsibility, work and sacrifice. Not only on the day of the race, but also weeks or even months before.
Timers are responsible for solving unforeseen events that can happen on the day of the race. Keep in mind that even the smallest incidents can have an impact on the event's final outcome.
Step 1:
Before the event - Race organizer
Step 2 & 3:
Before the event - Database/Schedule
Step 4:
Before the event - Choice of materials
Step 5:
Day of the event - Timing service
Step 6:
Day of the event - RUFUS kiosk
Step 7:
Day of the event - Handle obstacles and solutions
Step 8 & 9:
After the event - Surveys and incidents